
How to view and handle passwords that have been hacked in iOS 16

This article will walk you through the process of determining which of your passwords have been hacked and changing them on your iPhone.

It is absolutely necessary to take care of one’s digital health. Among the many things that fall under this category is the formulation of secure passwords that are not simple to deduce.

In the event that your passwords are stolen, or even if they are merely particularly vulnerable, it is a good idea to change them in order to maintain the security of your online accounts and personal information.

Your iPhone already has several layers of protection built into it, thanks to Apple’s thoughtful design. This is how you may view and update passwords that may have been hacked due to their weakness.

Also read about :4 things to know about iOS

How to view passwords that have been hacked on an iPhone

view and handle passwords that have been hacked in iOS 16

view and handle passwords that have been hacked in iOS 16


  • Open Settings
  • Tap Passwords
  • Suggestions Regarding Safety

In the event that any of your passwords have been hacked. Your iPhone will send you a notice indicating which passwords need to be changed immediately.

The notification will explain the rationale behind recommending that you change your password. Apple would recommend that you change your password to something more unique if, for instance, you use the same password for more than one of your accounts.

Additionally, the warning will inform you whether the password was included in any known data leaks, which indicates that you should change it as soon as you can after receiving this information.

How to update a password on an iPhone that has compromised

view and handle passwords that have been hacked in iOS 16

view and handle passwords that have been hacked in iOS 16

  • Open Settings and Tap Passwords
  • Observe Suggestions Regarding Safety
  • Select a user account.
  • Tap Change Password

There will be occasions when you will be able to directly update the password within this section. However, the vast majority of the time, you’ll have to modify it by heading to the account management part of the account that’s in question in order to make the necessary adjustments. If this is the case, a button labeled “Change Password on Website” will be accessible to you on the website.

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