Learn how to activate Live Captions for your FaceTime calls here
No longer will you have trouble hearing what your FaceTime partner is saying; those days are behind you. Here is how you may activate Live Captions so that you can keep up with what’s going on.
The new Live Captions function, which was introduced with iOS 16 and converts spoken dialogues into written text that is displayed at the bottom of the screen, is a new addition. This capability comes in helpful during FaceTime calls, where it can often be difficult to hear what is being said.
Live Captions can reportedly be used for a variety of different purposes, including video conferencing, podcasts, and face-to-face talks. You only need an iPhone 11 or a subsequent model, an iPad with at least the A12 Bionic chip, or a Mac with the latest Apple Silicon processor to use this feature.
Live Captions is still in its testing phase, which means that its functionality is subject to continuous development. There will be periods of time in which it will function improperly, will crash, or will just refuse to load. These are typical, but you should still contact Apple about them.
Additionally, Apple does not advise its customers to use Live Captions in high-risk scenarios, such as during an emergency.

Live Captions for your FaceTime calls
The steps to take in order to activate Live Captions for FaceTime Calls
You are required to activate the option in settings before you can begin utilizing Live Captions. You have the option of accomplishing this task in either the settings app or the FaceTime app.
- Open your Settings app.
- Tap the “Accessibility” button after scrolling down.
- Tap on “Live Captions (Beta)” located in the “Hearing” section of the app.
- To enable Live Captions for all apps, toggle the button that is located at the top of the screen.
- Look for the “In-App Live Captions” area to turn on Live Captions for just the apps you want to use them with. Toggle the Live Captions switch for the apps, such as FaceTime, that you want to use.
- You have the ability to customize the way the Live Captions text appears. By selecting “Appearance,” you can adjust the opacity, size, and color of the text, as well as the color of the background.
If you need to activate Live Captions during a FaceTime call in a hurry, you can switch them on by following these steps.
- To access the information panel, use the I icon located in the top right corner.
- Tap the icon that says “Live Captions (Beta).”
- After you have chosen to use the Live Captions button, a notification will pop up. Click ok.
Repeat these steps, but this time deselect the “Live Captions (Beta)” button. This will allow you to turn off the service.
Learn How To Take Charge Of Your Life Captions
After Live Captions have been activated and begun displaying text, you will have the ability to control how the transcription appears to you.
- Simply tapping the arrows that point outward will make the window for the transcription larger. Tap the arrows that point inward to make the window smaller on your screen.
- You have the ability to pause the transcription by touching the button labeled “pause.”
- Tap on the arrow in the upper left corner of the screen to hide the transcription window.
- Tap the speech bubble button once you have successfully hidden your transcription to bring it back into view.

Live Captions for your FaceTime calls
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