
In his blog post you will get quality content about publish and design an eBook cover for Amazon Kindle and Apple’s Books.  Every eBook needs a cover, and all eBooks—paperback and hardback—face the same fundamental problem. Although it must be visually appealing, it must also be easy to identify when displayed as a tiny thumbnail in the Amazon Kindle or Apple Books shops.

Other than that, there are good and awful options available to you, and Apple and Amazon approach covers differently. And you can visit our T & E store.

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Covers for Apple Books

Apple Books will transform the first page of your Pages document into the cover of your book if you don’t take any action to stop it. Do something to stop it, we say.

Even if you carefully calculated the correct sizes to make your ideal image appear its best on your screen and dragged it onto page 1 of your Pages document, Apple may choose to disregard you. Although the front page is inset so that the final cover is white with a small image in the center, the front page does become the front cover.

Therefore, create a unique cover image for Apple Books. Use any picture editor you like to do it in, but we suggest 1,873 pixels high by 1,400 pixels wide.

That looks excellent on a conventional eBook since it would be a good size for a regular paperback book. However, if you know you need something different for your eBook, you probably already know what it is. You can have different-sized paperbacks, which call for varied size covers.

When you reach the point when you are submitting books to Apple and Amazon, save the cover image in PNG format and have it prepared to upload.

Kindle covers on Amazon

The additional issue for Amazon Kindle is that hardware Kindles show the cover in grayscale. As a result, your cover must now appear well in both color and monochrome when viewed at full size and as a thumbnail on Amazon’s website and Kindle devices.

The cover must also be a distinct file for Kindle; the first page is not always used automatically. Amazon, however, demands that you save the cover in JPEG or TIFF format in this instance.

A Cover Generator is also available on Amazon. You may create a cover with a few clicks by utilizing a variety of pre-existing themes and styles.

Numerous individuals have previously used the cover template, even if you defeated the odds and managed to select one that was just right for your book. Although it is unlikely, your book will show up in a search alongside theirs.

And while I don’t want to disparage Amazon’s artists, the generated book covers are dreadful. Since they are artworks intended to be appropriate for countless different books, or at the very least not blatantly inappropriate for them, they essentially have to be.

Using whatever image or graphics tool you have on your Mac, you could make the cover entirely by yourself. Alternately, you might hunt for local artists and inform them of your needs.

Once you’ve set up your bank information to receive royalty payments, this screen will become quite familiar to you.
submitting the book to Apple and Amazon Kindle

From this point on, the two services are strikingly similar. They require the same information from you and publish the book online in around the same amount of time.

Or, once you’ve completed the necessary steps to start up as a publisher on the services, they will take about the same amount of time to publish your book. In that situation, the time it takes to complete them can vary greatly and be annoying.

Publish and design an eBook cover for Amazon Kindle and Apple’s Books

Setting up a publishing company

Even if you never intend to release a sequel, you must register as a publisher with the two services because you are one today. It’s free, but it’s also required and may get rather complicated.

You must have a free iTunes Connect account to access Apple Books. On the authors.apple.com website of Apple, you can find instructions on how to do it. You need a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account to use Amazon Kindle, and Amazon also provides information on how to sign up for a free account.

Keep in mind that before Apple Books can let you upload books, it needs your bank and tax information. Also, keep in mind that it can take Apple up to seven days from the time you provide this information until you can upload it to Apple Books.

Only, that applies when you have accurately completed all of the necessary data regarding your tax status, your bank account information, and so forth.

Apple Books will also confuse you. Despite the Apple Books Store’s glitz, it appears to be a patchwork of outdated database software from the inside out. Merely as an illustration, you might enter numerous tax-related details before realizing that you are just typing them into a complex search box.

There’s also the very delicate nature of iTunes Connect. iTunes Connect may stutter if you are based abroad yet require an American account because that is where you are often located.

Be very happy if it hasn’t happened to you or if it doesn’t the next time you try to submit something. It’s possible for iTunes Connect to become stuck in a loop where it refuses to accept Apple IDs when you try to log in.

It’s pretty simple to follow the steps with Apple Books if you have the Apple ID and password you want to use as a publisher, and if you have all of the tax information prepared.

There is a workaround available when it isn’t, when something goes wrong. The best way to submit a book to Apple Books is to do it entirely from Pages on your Mac, but you can also do it from Pages on iCloud.

Publish and design an eBook cover for Amazon Kindle and Apple’s Books

Apple Books submission

There are a few ways to transfer your book to Apple Books, but publishing straight from Pages is the greatest option if it worked every time.

  • Open Pages on your Mac.
  • Open the book and select “Publish to Apple Books” from the File menu.

You must keep your Pages documents in iCloud Drive if you want to publish them on Apple Books. Your Mac will now inform you if yours isn’t and offer to relocate it there if it isn’t.

If it allows you, allow it to do so, and then follow the instructions to log in to iTunes Connect. Naturally, if you have an Apple ID and have set up an iTunes Connect account. It should be possible to sign in to this service using those credentials.

But occasionally, it’s not. Sometimes, attempting to log in from within Pages will fail with a timeout. This could be a fault with Pages, or it could simply be that the wind is blowing from the east.

Because it works when you attempt it in Pages on iCloud after something goes wrong in Pages on your Mac. The only thing it can’t be is a problem with Apple’s iTunes Connect servers.

Visit icloud.com and log in there. Next, click to launch Pages.

It’s simple to click Browse, find your book, and then publish to Apple Books because your manuscript must be in iCloud Drive. There in your browser, open it in Pages. On iCloud.com, you may publish from Pages as well.

On the document screen, select Tools by clicking the spanner-shaped symbol in the upper right corner. Select “Publish to Apple Books” from the dropdown menu that displays.

You must log in to iTunes Connect regardless of whether you use iCloud or the Pages app on your Mac. Instead, you can bypass Page and go right to iTunes Connect to submit a file.

The file should ideally be in ePub format, which you may obtain from a production program like Vellum, if you choose to do that.

In either case, once you are in iTunes Connect. You may go through the process of entering all the information, including the title, description, and so forth. This section is quite straightforward until you get to the pricing.

  • Making a Kindle submission on Amazon
  • Log in at kdp.amazon.com.
  • Select “Create” from the menu.

You might be in a different area of Kindle Direct Publishing if you can’t see a big, yellow Create button. Select “Bookshelf” from the menu at the top.

You will then be taken to a page that displays the Create button along with any earlier books you have worked on.

Keep in mind that you require one Word document and one JPEG cover image for the Amazon Kindle. When everything is prepared, you can go rapidly through the phases up until the price.

Publish and design an eBook cover for Amazon Kindle and Apple’s Books

Kindle and Apple Books’ prices

A career in pricing is possible because it is such a challenging field. The good news is that it’s intricate enough that it’s unlikely you’ll come up with an ideal price. So you might as well simply choose one that feels appropriate.

Take a look at what similar books are selling for and keep in mind that you always have the option to adjust the price.

However, speaking of pricing adjustments, Amazon Kindle uses an algorithm that begins with the price. You’ve selected and then performs some alchemy to produce a different amount.

That number presumably deducts Amazon’s share of your profits, but good luck finding that out. People have reportedly spent hours experimenting with various suggested prices to get their final product to come out at $9.99.

On Apple Books, things are easier because you set the price and it is sold for that amount.

Additionally, Apple will deduct 30% of your earnings, and there is no other way around it. That sounds horrible, but instead, Amazon presents you with a difficult decision.

You can choose to get either 35% or 70% of the proceeds from your book sales. And you know which you would like. However, keeping the majority for oneself has drawbacks.  The fact that in some nations Amazon will disregard your setting and take the greater amount.

It depends on taxes and other financial factors in the various nations. But no matter where you publish, you can only get paid more if you own the book. No copies of works in the public domain will be accepted.

Additionally, the book’s current price range must be between $2.99 and $9.99. There are still more things to think about, but your mind is already racing.

The short version is that you should pick the larger royalty rate. If you don’t mind selling the book for any of those rates. Choose the lower option if you’re not.

Last but not least, both Apple and Kindle are sold internationally. But thankfully you don’t have to go through this hassle for every currency in every region. You can choose to pick the US one instead and let Apple and Amazon determine the closest equivalent for all other countries.

After completing the stages, you have the chance to proofread your book electronically. Do it. You’ll discover errors you didn’t catch.

Once you’ve pressed the last button, your book will then be sent to Apple and Amazon for review. Your book will go on sale in around 72 hours, according to both of them. But generally speaking, they are both being conservative because it will probably happen sooner.

However, having a traditional publisher does not entitle you to ignore all of these considerations and send your book to them by email. Having a company and an editor who are experts in this field on your side means that you will be protected.

That can help you write better and advertise your book more effectively.

However, you’d be astonished to learn that some publishers will release a book with no marketing or publicity. Even when they do promote it, they still rely on you to conduct interviews and speak up about the book, which may not come as a surprise to you.

You could just go ahead and handle everything yourself if they’re going to leave it up to you anyway. The ability to produce a book for a specific audience and to your specifications is the best reason to create an eBook on a Mac, though.

Just keep in mind that even specialized groups of readers with an intense interest in your subject won’t buy your book if they are unaware of it.