Apple is fully conscious of the fact that stranded outside in the rain is not an enjoyable experience for anyone. With the help of Apple’s Weather app and the precipitation alarm function . You have the ability to educate yourself to the point. You have no longer need to worry about getting wet.
The “Next Hour Precipitation” feature that can be found in the Weather app .That is design by Apple is a very helpful addition to the programee.
Instructions on how to activate the Next Hour Precipitation
- Open Weather
- Tap the List icon that is located in the lower-right hand corner.
- Click in the upper right hand corner.
- Tap Notifications
- Click the “Next Hour Precipitation” button.
Also read about: iOS 6 latest feature
If you wish to receive severe weather notifications or next-hour precipitation alerts, you will have to manually turn them on for each specific location. Apple does not tell about weather in different locations
And you can visit our T & E-store.
About Our Store Location:
There is a possibility that you will be able to purchase from a T&E repair store. Our website serves as a repository for information pertaining to various electrical gadgets. You will find that the prices at our T&E store, where you can buy and sell electronics like iPads and iPhones, are competitive. In addition to that, we offer repair services for iPads as well as other types of electronic gadgets. You are welcome to visit our T&E repair store if you are experiencing any issues with your iPhone or Android phone that require repair. The repair services segment is provided by trained technicians and engineers. You may obtain a reasonably priced and speedy repair for your phone by using our services.
In addition, the repairs for your gadgets will complete as quickly as possible and at a reasonable rate. Today we will be signing a new lease for a new retail location. The communities of Phoenix, Avondale, Glendale, and Tolleson will be served by this store. All the stated are Arizona state. Residents in Glendale, Phoenix, Tolleson, and Avondale in Arizona are now able to take advantage of our repair service.