
The Weather app has seen some significant modifications since iOS 16 was released by Apple, including the addition of additional notification types and an expansion of the data available on humidity, temperature, and visibility. Apple used data from the 2020 acquisition of the weather app Dark Sky for many of these new capabilities.

This tutorial showcases all of iOS 16’s new weather-related features.

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Climate Modules

Apple updated the information that is available to you, but there are no significant changes to the Weather app’s overall look.

The 10-day forecast, the daily temperature, air quality, precipitation, UV index, sunset and sunrise times, wind, humidity, “feels like” temperature, visibility, and pressure have all been included in the Weather app for some time now, but you can now tap into any of those modules for more details and quickly switch between them by tapping the icon in the upper right.


The temperature module displays a graph of the day’s average temperature, including the high and low points. Additionally with the iOS 15 Weather app, a text summary of the weather conditions is provided in the module.

You can tap into any day in the 10-day forecast to view the daily chart of temperature ranges, and you can also choose to view the more expansive color-coded temperature map.

Air Purity

The air quality module displays a graph of the local air quality along with further details on the impact of the current conditions on health as well as the main pollutant. Still available is a larger air quality map.


The precipitation module displays a map of where storms are expected to hit, similar to the precipitation information that was previously provided. An in-depth zoom offers a 12-hour rain forecast. A separate interface gives information on the total amount of precipitation over the previous 24 hours as well as how much rain, sleet, or snow fell when.

The feeling

To help you better understand the ambient temperature, this module offers a second temperature chart that accounts for humidity, wind, and other variables.

UV Score

The UV index module displays the current UV rating as well as the day’s highest UV levels.


The dawn and sunset module informs you of the time of day’s sunrise or sunset as well as the arrival of first light and last light. It also provides a reading of the total amount of daylight and average monthly dawn and sunset times.


The wind module offers a daily overview, the most recent wind information, and a graph showing the day’s average wind speed and direction.


The humidity module displays a graph of the humidity throughout the course of the day, divided into six-hour intervals. Dew point and average humidity are also provided.


The visibility section gives a daily summary and the visibility range in miles during the day.


The pressure module provides information on the day’s average pressure, the pressure at any given moment, and whether the pressure is growing or declining.

Alerts for Severe Weather

If a severe weather alert is issued close to you, the Weather app in iOS 16 can notify you, giving you advance notice of big rainstorms, floods, hurricanes, heat waves, tornadoes, and other weather events.

For both your present location and any other place you’ve added to the Weather app, you can enable severe weather notifications.

Apple claims that severe weather information is accessible in Australia, Canada, Japan, China, Brazil, India, Mexico, Thailand, the United States, and the majority of European nations and regions.

Weather App in iOS 16

Screen Weather Lock

Although it’s not officially a component of the Weather app, iOS 16 has a specific Weather Lock Screen. It displays the current temperature and the artwork for your location from the Weather app. So, just as in the animated Weather app, if it’s sunny, you’ll see sun, and if it’s raining, you’ll see rain.

Weather tools

Additionally, you may add a variety of weather widgets to any of your lock screens. The temperature, current conditions, high/low, and individual options for UV index, air quality, and temperature are all displayed on a bigger readout.

iPad weather application

A weather app for the iPad is now available thanks to the iOS 16 and iPadOS 16 releases. Similar to the iPhone’s Weather app, but designed for the larger iPad display.